Structured Schooling or UnSchooling....They can both work!

We are officially on Spring Break from our home school co-op and decided to have a home break too, but today my daughter (she is a first grader) decided to organize her horses and one Zebra. She wanted paper, pen and horse book. We sat down and made a plan, she sorted by color, size, markings, etc. She has names for them so we wrote them down and drew columns and started  the classifying. It took awhile but we got it done, I hope she stays this diligent in all her studies, one can only hope.

We had a lot of fun and in the process she practiced writing, spelling, reading, sorting, counting, and colors. I have to say most of the time I have a plan and structure (which can be challenging for my inner artist), but if you can do something spontaneous and out of the box in which they are still learning I say go for it! So today we unschooled and I liked it.

I love feedback so whats on your mind, do you like structured, unstructured or both. It seems its all in how its presented, absorbed and retained.
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